Thursday, June 9, 2011

Purple Party

Menu: Scrambled Eggs with Peppers, Monterrey Jack, and Worcestershire Sauce; Roasted Potatoes; Garlic Lemon Green Beans

Lessons learned:

  1. Purple potatoes just aren't quite as good in this dish as my adored Yukon Golds.  But they're definitely fun.
  2. Purple peppers are just a tease.
  3. Sophie will not eat scrambled eggs.  Ben will.  One-for-two is a partial win in this game.
Even though I haven't really figured out how to use them, I can't seem to resist purple potatoes.  They were at Earth Fare and no more expensive than the Yukon Golds.  That was all I needed to know.  While I was putting them in my cart, I remembered the purple peppers growing in my garden and got very excited:

Do you think I might have a condition?  Maybe I'm just amazed that this color is actually found in nature:

The potatoes.  Not the bowl.  Yes, I use pink mixing bowls.  And a pink spatula.  My food processor is also pink.  So are my dry goods canisters.  I'm feeling very vulnerable right about now.

As I mentioned already, though, the peppers were just a big tease, which you find out as soon as you cut them open:

I dry-roasted them anyway, which completed my disappointment by eliminating ALL of the purple.  What?

So maybe it wasn't a purple party.  It was still a pretty decent weeknight meal.

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